Ágar-Ágar TRIO
The group's concert intends to promote the film scores of Brazilian composer Moacir Santos, relating music and audiovisual projections. The trio's sound is essentially based on Brazilian popular music, revisiting compositional processes of choro, baião, samba-jazz, and other genres, mixing them up with Afro-Brazilian rhythm patterns. This effort emerged from a academic research that resulted in several transcribed scores, published on Moacir Santos's Film Scores website, funded by RUMOS Itaú Cultural.
Bass clarinet/Clarinet, Guitar and Percussion
Musicians that played with the group:
Jussan Cluxnei, Lucas Brogiolo and Rubens de Oliveira
Released albums:
MOA (2020)
Trilhas Brasileiras – August 18, 2016
Teatro do SESC Campinas
Centro Histórico e Cultural Mackenzie (São Paulo) – September 15, 2016
Espaço Cultural Dodecafônico (Jundiaí) - May 20, 2016
Live at Casa Museu Ema Klabin (São Paulo) - August 28, 2021

Guitar, arrangements and compositions
Holds a doctoral and a masters degree in music at UNICAMP, where he researched the Moacir Santos's Film Scores.

Bass clarinet and clarinet
Graduated in Clarinet at UNESP and musician of ORTHESP since its foundation in 2010. Performs intensely as a popular musician, with the Duo VibrAr, the Ensemble Brasileiro, among others.

Graduated in popular percussion at ULM, works extensively with Brazilian popular music, from traditional genres to more modern rhythms. Performed side by side with Francis Hime, Vinicius Dorin, Roberto Sion, Ari Colares, Michel Freidenson, among others.